Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2007/08

Another year on! A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks, GPS's, Tilley Hats and Rohan Technical Walking Apparel and a motley selection of dogs for company - We are known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday 27 March 2008

AWW 26th March 2008 - They Came to Querenca

(Truly, a blessed relief, a Leader's report so well-presented that scarcely a comment needed, just add photos)

They Came to Querença – but NOT via São Brás.
OR Learning Stops At Sixty

Voyagers from Western Parts:- Stan, Elaine, John O’, Ian S. Ian W, Tina, Dina, Vitor, John H, Janet, Lindsey, Andrew.
Native Guide:- David.
Faithful Canine Companion:- Maddy.

The omens for this voyage of exploration into the wastes of the East were not auspicious. The native guide provided the wrong directions, and might have sent all to the frozen north had he not been persuaded of the error of his ways by his far more route-savvy wife. Frantic smoke signals at the eleventh hour prevented a disaster, and all turned up in the right place at roughly the right time – even Ian Scott! Janet managed several circuits of the newly refurbished square at Querenca before finally coming to rest.

Post-modern Querenca Plaza

Opinions on the said refurbishment were generally not complimentary, and there was a general wagging of wise heads when it transpired that The One Responsible was none other than the native guide’s Angry Neighbour, encountered on a previous expedition.

The members of the expedition should have known better than to hire a guide whose years had exceeded six decades. Not only had he learned nothing from the mistakes made on a previous foray into the same territory, but he added one or two more errors for good measure, including the aforesaid brainstorm around directions. That the whole party emerged unscathed from the experience was a matter of great wonderment to all.

All were in fine fettle following the obligatory brew of local stimulant and the customary Daguerrotype record of the party, taken as ever by the Official Recorder, alias Deputy Chief Blogger. In spite of missing his way for the second year in a row, the guide managed to bring the party to the first objective, a beautiful watering-hole in a deep wooded valley, where preparations were made for the climb to the heights above. This passed without incident, as did the ensuing walk across country. However, age once again caught up with the guide as he reached a path frequented by the metal-monsters-with-dirty-breath, and first marched the party one way and then the other in search of a safer route. Good fortune took him the right way, and soon the original route was rejoined

"I wonder which way it is."

First, the preparations.....
...and then the climb.

This passed without incident, as did the ensuing walk across country.

The Native Guide finds water

Vodaphone Vitor brightens up the Trig shot

Fortunately, the highland section of the excursion was successful if strenuous, with excellent views stretching as far as the homelands of many of the explorers. The native guide refused to repeat his chest-baring display, prompting some to ask for a portion of their money back. Explorer Andrew had a ‘charging-off’ day, insisting on clambering and striding where others feared to tread, and on the descent from the heights he was forced to retrace his steps after one such detour. Such was the steepness of some parts of the descent that progress became very slow for a time, but eventually the valley was regained.

The trick is to bend at the knees, Janet says

And at last the guide had a success, locating a path missed on the previous outing, which took the party up the hill to the Summit of the Departed, stimulating a lively discussion on the merits of different methods of disposing of the dead. Explorer Stan seemed at one point to be volunteering to bury himself. An explanation is awaited.

The safety of the native village regained, more local stimulants were consumed, and the weekly tribute paid to She-Who-Holds-The-Dosh. And then we all went home.

(but not before Ian S. won a prize for getting the Portuguese for Vodaphone correct.)

(And now for the really technical stuff.)

Distancia percorrida....... 18.1 klm

Velocidade média........... 3.7 k/h

Velocidade media geral.. 3.2 k/h

Tempo de deslocação...... 4h 50 m

Tempo de paragens......... 44 m. 25 s

Partida............ 37 11.953 007 59.250
Chegada........ 37 11.953 007 59.250

Almoço........... 37 13.681 007 59.136

CB's 5p worth:-

I will never give in to old age until I become old. And I'm not old yet! Turner, Tina


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