Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2007/08

Another year on! A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks, GPS's, Tilley Hats and Rohan Technical Walking Apparel and a motley selection of dogs for company - We are known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Friday, 7 March 2008

AWW 05.03.2008 Ferragudo F(ar)olderol

Ferragudo F(ar)olderol

Brian, making his debut as a leader had engineered a wonderful day for walking - gin clear and with sufficient breeze to keep even ladies of a certain age cool. 8 of the more meticulous walkers had responded to the request to confirm their presence, but in the end we appear to have had a quorum of 21, although I was under the delusion that there were 22. If you have been missed from Brian's cast list then please remonstrate loudly, as I have been unable to find a single photo that contains all 21 (or 22). I guess I must assume some responsibility, as Chief Paparazzi, Myriam, was again taking a precautionary rest day, and had failed to pack my camera! The designated photographers, whose work appears in this blog were John H and John. The words are from the leader's own keyboard (mostly)!

Most of the starters (how difficult it is to look at a camera!)

Leader: Brian

Ramblers: Paul, Hedley, Ian W, Diane W, John H, John O, Chris, Antje, Stan, Elaine, Vitor, Dina, Janet, Lindsey, Hilke, Yves, Peter, Terry, Monica and John G.

Os Cães; Tiggy, Nandi and Oscar.

Tilley Hat count; 7 (A new AWW record - invest in Tilley shares now - if not the hats!!)

Notable Absentees;

Myriam (All that housework is not good for my knees).

Ian Scott (How many properties is he buying?)

Mike (Hence discussion on the U.S. Democratic nominee race had to be cancelled).

Tina (Was ashamed to be seen with us in her local village).

David L (Presumably painting flowers).

Meeting point: The Square in Ferragudo

Stats: Total Distance: 14.4 km; Moving Time: 4 hrs; Total Time: 4 hrs 45 min.; Moving Avg.: 3.6 km/hr; Overall Avg.: 3.0 km/hr.; Total Ascent: 594 m.; Max Elevation: 58 metres

Track of the walk (out and back) (click to enlarge)

The weather clear and cool with a strong northerly wind that ensured that fleece lined jackets were the order of the day. Not one pair of bare legs to be seen.

The morning started disjointedly as there was more than one cafe open. The early birds settled in one but when the local squire (John O) arrived he hauled the rest of us across the square to another cafe to ensure he collected commission on the sales.

It took 15 minutes to pull the troops together and gather for the obligatory photograph.

GPS’s were then synchronised and the walk finally got underway at a leisurely pace along the harbour side to the lifeboat station. From there we continued past the fishermen’s huts to Praia Grande. Completely ignoring the "No Dogs" sign (who reccied this walk?) we walked to the east end of the praia and followed the cliff path to Praia Pintadinha, climbing again to the new lighthouse.

Not yet warmed up! (Spot the fake 'Tilley' among the front runners!)

The climb to the farol

The Old and the New!!

Blogs are lighthouses erected in the great sea of time. Whipple, Edwin P.

The next point of interest was the restaurant at Caneiros beach. This was one of the restaurants featured in the local press because the beach erosion, caused by the storm the previous week, had left the foundations a little exposed. Nature appeared to be repairing the damage it had caused. The discussion in the group was more concerned with the price of the meals with the consensus view that it was overpriced. The dogs appreciated the stop as they were treated to a well earned drink.

Modern take on a Beach Shack!

After approx. 1 hour we had a spell of steady walking on the cliff tops. Those that were thinking of taking of their first layer of clothing quickly changed their mind as we felt the full force of the wind.

Some old ruins!

A halt was called at the ruins of a windmill. Suddenly ramblers disappeared in all directions. Each seemed to have their own appointed spot to meditate. Time was then lost as we could not decide if someone was still lost in the wilderness. They were eventually found with a lead group that had decided they could lead themselves to the Promised Land. Order was restored until we reached the point at which we were due to turn back and retrace our steps. The leader had carefully chosen this point so as not to upset three Alsatians that guard a villa adjacent to the path. Unfortunately a good number of the walkers took it as a challenge and had to prove they did not scare so easily. When the leader refused to change his plans they reluctantly returned.

Water Garden with Naiads!

Peter making sure Oscar and Nandi are clean for Mike's return!!

The return walk was uneventful. A sheltered spot out of the wind was selected as the lunch stop.

How green was my valley!

Don't jump Yves - it was only a game of Rugby!

(Yves had thought it safe to return to walking two weeks after the resounding thrashing of Les Bleus by Les Rosbifs in Stade de France- Wrong!!!)

The pace, which had been leisurely, noticeably picked up as we neared the bar. (Note to Ian S). Don’t worry you would still have made it first.

The leader and his trusted senior advisor arrived first and selected the bar before there could be any discussion on the subject. Of course it was the coldest spot in the square as the tourists had all the seats in the sun. Myriam put in guest appearance but unfortunately was too late to negotiate the bar prices.

The shady side of the street

Antje always gets a laugh from reading a Tilley, while Stan tries to duck out of shot behind Terry's beer!

OK, so there was a bit of criticism about the choice of bar for the post walk drinks, but at least we had it to ourselves in the sub-zero temperatures - and the beer didn't get warm. Thanks Brian and here's to many more!

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
Allen, Fred A.

And now another value-added enhancement to the blog:-

W.W.N.W :- Wednesday Walkers Next Week

It could be somewhere near here!

Stung by the cruel criticism of one (or two) of his previous Leads (in this very Blog) and determined not to defend his Wooden Spoon in the 2006-2007 season, Ian S. who will lead next Wednesday coerced a witness (John H.) and with a camera set off on a recce of the proposed walk. Here are the details as disclosed by John:-

W.W.N.W are privileged to bring you an AWW first: an exciting preview of next week's walk on the wild side! See for yourself the dizzy heights, the plunging depths, of this unspoilt terrain.

Meet, as we did, with a horny-handed artisan, labouring, without the benefit of EU funding, to span raging torrents so that you can skip daintily and dryly across, using only such material as nature in the raw provides.

Witness, as we did, the patriarchal care with which said artisan shepherds his brood of porco preto, in anticipation of next year's Monchique Sausage Festival. And much, much more! (20 kilometres more, I reckon.)

I personally can't wait!! Sign up now - and pray there is no more rain, otherwise three bags might not be enough to get you across the river!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for myself for having missed such a nice, pleasant walk led by debut leader, Brian, esp. in the company of special appearances of Diane W. & Monica. Next week's preview is another big attraction. I am very tempted to risk my bruised knee to test the bridges that Wooden Spoon Winner had so lovingly built!

7 March 2008 at 22:39  

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