Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2007/08

Another year on! A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks, GPS's, Tilley Hats and Rohan Technical Walking Apparel and a motley selection of dogs for company - We are known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Sunday 27 January 2008

AWW 23.01.2008:- Feeling the Pinch(o)

A first walk led by Peter this season, and a few other firsts in that we had two debutantes, Val and Sue, and Stan and Elaine returned for the second half of the season, having made cameo appearances in December, mainly the Christmas beanfeast.
I am having to embellish this account, as regrettably the leader didn't even manage to equal Ian S.'s 62 words last time. I am charitably blaming a satellite communications and InterWeb failure between Peter's isolated Outpost in Pincho and the CB's Inbox.
As I suspect this is his first walk eligible for blogging by myself, he perhaps didn't realise the implications of waiving the right to defend himself, and throwing himself on the mercies of a CB champing at the bit to publish before the weekend. But then, having led a pretty flawless walk with no controversial occurrences, and metronomic timing, he perhaps smugly asserted his right to silence with confidence! We shall see.

Most of the starters - spot the man with two hats!

The start photo is unusual in that it potentially had all the participants included(except Janet who was late!), because Val's husband, who had delivered her to the start, and was to stand by for emergency rescue if required, was pressed in to service as guest paparrazzi, and despite making a tyro's parallax error with Myriam's camera, achieved this stunning shot of parts of everyone, except for one - and this could become a continuing theme - who perhaps has ulterior reasons for not wanting his presence on Portuguese soil to be confirmed on a Blog which could possibly be surveyed by Those in Authority. No it is not Osama, unless he has taken to wearing a Tilley, which can just be made out behind the Hemp model sported by Ian W.

Lead Singer: Peter.

Just been to the Barber's Shop! (see link )

Backing Group: Val, Sue, Ian S., Elaine, Myriam, Ian W., Lindsey, Alex, Brian, Mike, Antje, David, John, Paul, Janet, (Stan)

And as Themselves: Oscar (the Comeback Kid), Nandi, Maddy, Tiggy

The Track - click to enlarge

Stats: Total Distance: 15km; Total Time: 4 hr 12 min; Moving Time: 3 hr 30 min; Moving Average: 4.2 km/hr;
Overall Average: 3.5 km/hr; Total Ascent: 516 m.; max Elevation: 260m.

A glorious cool morning in the car park of Solar do Pincho, promising pleasant walking conditions, and a good turn out of 17. Ian W. brought a commercial tone to the start, when he opened a car Boot sale and tried to convince Myriam that he had her size!

Plenty 0f room for growth madam!

Away from the hubbub of the bazaar, we soon got into our stride, broken only by the compulsory adjustment of clothing ritual about 500 metres from the start.
Unlike Ian S., Peter had not had the AWW secateurs on his recce, so it befell Paul with limited assistance from Brian, to clear the path for the troupe.

The Twin Towers!

Shortly thereafter, we made a brief detour to Guerreiros Trig Point for the Obligatory TPP, which again contained most of the walkers and two of the more disciplined dogs!

Ian adjusts his neckwear.

At some point along the walk, though I myself didn't witness it, Myriam snapped an entry for the AWW Wildlife Photographer of the Year (TBA) of this enormous python among some very large rocks!

The art of camouflage

While turning back from the trig point we noted a new site for yet another wind turbine. How Eco-friendly of the Government we thought in unison - and here is the eco-friendly road they had to drive through the untidy countryside to access the new site!

EDP Benefit Route

Our Leader, for whom EDP is a favourite subject, owing to their attempts to litter his estate with giant fans, was not the most cynical with regard to the mountains of EU cash being spent on these wind turbines, with no realistic hope of their ever paying their way!

And so to everyone's favourite topic - Lunch - which was achieved bang on schedule at a very user friendly bank, which avoided the embarrassing creaks and groans, as lunchers attempted to regain the vertical after a short break at ground level.

Alex is very attractive!

Lunch was taken near the Alamos Trig point, though Peter preferred to leave the ascent of that for another day, although it does leave us one photo short!
It was noted that the Recession is biting hard, as Myriam and I had to make do with ham and Colman's instead of the usual smoked salmon sandwiches. We are hoping for some food parcels soon!
The rest of the walk has receded from my memory being 5 days distant from this date of publication, but there was a minor navigational error that took us past a long line of bee hives, which fortunately were fairly inactive in the cool weather. Luckily Peter was on good speaking terms with the couple whose property and patio we had to negotiate to regain the trail.

There were rivers to cross:-

and descents to descend:-

And almost before we were feeling too fatigued, we found ourselves back at Solar do Pincho, ordering beers as if we deserved it! Sonia had magically materialised as we strode the final few metres to the café, bearing a supply of Drinking Chocolate, which made Myriam's day!
Sue found this the best part of her first walk with us!

Chocolate does one good!

Mission Accomplished

And so after some strategic discussions on The Shape of Walks to Come, including a projected mini-series of "Via Algarviana -the Authorised Version", in bite-size lateral episodes, we all thanked Peter for a very pleasant day, and retired to our country estates - some of us to wait for reports which never came!

Late Breaking News:
An unusually Reliable Source has informed the CB that Gordon (of the Gully fame), who was in hospital recently for operations on various joints and accoutrements, which in no way, shape or form could conceivably have been damaged, strained or even mildly disarticulated by his participation in two successive RTC walks, has been asked to leave the Hospital in question because of his insistence that his Brass Band hold rehearsals in his ward, in order to fine tune their next public performance!
This he has done, but as a sop to the medicos, he has engaged the services of two full time Masseuses/Night Nurses, to aid his speedy recovery. The Band and the Boy Scouts have clubbed together and donated their Christmas Club money to pay for these essential services, and we wish him a hearty Get Well Soon, and your place in next year's RTC has already been reserved!

"Leadership involves finding a parade and getting in front of it." Naisbitt, John

From P.C.Plod to Detective Chief Inspector Blogger:
I think I have found your man, Sir.

Nice one Constable!
"Modesty involves finding a Trig Point and getting behind it!" CB. 2008


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is an outrageous lie...I was not late! The fact that I am not so vain as those who fight their way over the small and weak to the front of every photograph cannot be construed in any Court of Law as being late. I have taken advice on this.

Disgusted of Sargacal.

28 January 2008 at 12:27  
Blogger Paulo a Pe said...

Despite that in the interest of a free, uncensored and unbiased press, I personally had to publish the above comment on behalf of 'Disgusted of Sargaçal' - "Methinks she doth protest too loud!" - "The camera never lies!", and I refuse to believe that she concealed herself behind Myriam, who is well known for oppressing the 'small and weak'!

28 January 2008 at 12:37  
Blogger John Hope said...

By order of the Civil Magistrate:
In rem Disgusted of Sagarcal v. Paulo a Pe (AWW case number 103 of 2008),brought before me in chambers this morning for preliminary hearing, I award a cooling-off period, as permitted in terms of Civil Code Article 4798(111),sub-section b)(3), until Wednesday 30th March 2008, the duly advertised next AWW outing.
So ruled.28th January 2008

28 January 2008 at 14:40  

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