Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2007/08

Another year on! A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks, GPS's, Tilley Hats and Rohan Technical Walking Apparel and a motley selection of dogs for company - We are known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday 7 February 2008

AWW 06.02.2008 : Don Quixoté or Passing Wind (mills)

A splendid February morning at Raposeiras for an experimental remote control walk, with Lindsey bravely attempting to follow Mike's carefully researched and updated Bamboo diagrams. Doubts crept in before the start when turn 3 showed an arrow pointing to the right and the bold instruction "Turn Left"

No formal picture was attempted at the start, as with 22 Tilters keen to emulate Don Quixoté, it was beyond Myriam's power to impose any sort of order. Thus we have a gaggle of participants, outside Casa de Pasto Rodrigues, mainly with their backs to the camera!

Lindsey boldly took charge despite Andrew's failure to attach his GPS to her person in a useful position, and marched us all off reasonably close to 0930 hrs!

The gadget king assaults lady in tea cosy!

Here are (mostly) Lindsey's own words on the walk, as Mike also honoured her with this privilege!

Mike (reccier and Bamboo writer), Lindsey (Leader under sufferance) & Andrew, , Antje, Tina, John and Hazel, Ian W, Ian S, John O', Peter , Yves , Dina & Vitor, Stan & Elaine,Val, Paul & Myriam and Hilke and her 2 friends, Wolfgang and Monika

Dogs: Tiggy, Oscar and Nandi, Brontes, Maddy.
Mike's estimated stats: Time/distance (about): 5 hours 15 minutes/21 km

Paul's Official Stats: Total Dist. 23.5 km; Total time: 5 hrs 18 minutes; Moving time: 4 hrs 45 minutes
Moving Avg: 5 km/hr; Overall Avg: 4.4 km/hr; Tot Ascent 327 m. ;Max elev. 151 m.
Note: Don Quichoté didn't get everything right either!

Annotated Track of the Walk

A large group of 22 met outside the Casa do Pasto Rodrigues, Raposeira on a lovely sunny day. Mike was proper leader. Lindsey had been bamboo-zled into leading his walk to see if anybody could follow his bamboo diagrams. We set off through the village and up towards the first lot of windmills with lovely views. There was a slight discussion which small track to take in order to cross the small stream and then up to the windmills. There was further discussion as to which set of windmills to head for as there were 2 groups. Windmills were sprouting like mushrooms!

Several Mushrooms!

After that all went smoothly and Lindsey settled in to the idea of following the bamboo diagrams and not a map.
Of course we had to make the usual detour to have a photo at the only trig point in the area. (name not known). There was a slight mutiny at this point as some women couldn't wait for Mike's 'Private Location' and had to have a mini-stop.

Three reach the summit!

Note:The eagle-eyed amongst you may realise that there are only 18 in this pic. Plus the photographer, it leaves 3 unaccounted. I can only assume they were 'passing against the wind'!

10 minutes later we came to the magnificent views and a the perfect spot for Ladies.

Old ruins - but a good view!

We had lunch by the side of a dirt track with wonderful views and complaints from some people that it was too windy and they hadn't got their fleece.

John had his fleece - so picked a prominent spot for lunch

We then carried on at a good pace 5 to 6k per hour on a good track to Pedralva and came across a little hamlet with its own Pizza Pazza. The last 5kms were virtually straight back to the windmills which spooked poor little Tiggy with their noise. A photo was taken of Don Quixote but where was the donkey.

He is mad past recovery, but yet he has lucid intervals.
Miguel de Cervantes

We all returned safely to the Casa do Pasto and Lindsey hadn't lost a single WW on the way. Jyll arrived at the Taverna and we were able to cut a delicious cake baked by Antje and give Mike and Jyll a present of a silver photo frame and a card (beautifully drawn with African animals on it). In the absence of Rod, Paul came to the rescue and made a toast and congratulated Mike and Jyll on 50 years of Married Bliss.

Was it really 50 years ago?

Still Life by Myriam (stand on your head to read it!)

Who's for seconds!!

Jyll and Mike are off to South America for their Anniversary celebrations, and we all wish them a wonderful relaxing visit, and Mike hopes that his sins of the past 50 years are not recalled! Thanks to Antje for producing the lovely cake.

Drink moderately, for drunkeness neither keeps a secret, nor observes a promise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very appropriate description of the character in the silhouette photo!

8 February 2008 at 10:35  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike was always that short distance ahead: by age & perhaps at walking. Esme & I were spliced in October, 1958, so here he is in front - but only just.
M & J, do have a good South American trip but don't get sidetracked by any bandits. Leave it to Jyll if you do. She'll rasp them off! Love, M & E

8 February 2008 at 10:56  

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