Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2007/08

Another year on! A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks, GPS's, Tilley Hats and Rohan Technical Walking Apparel and a motley selection of dogs for company - We are known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Wednesday 5 December 2007

AWW 05.12.07 A Short Stroll in the Country.


Ian S (leader), Ian W, John H, Hazel, John O', Mick, David L, David C, Tina, Paul, Dina, Vitor, Alex, Antje.

Maddy, Tiggy, Shorty.

This walk was billed as a three-four hour easy stroll, to allow walkers to unstick the various muscles, ligaments, tendons and other such necessary anatomical items that had become glued together as a result of RTC 2007. In the event, only five out of the fourteen walkers had actually taken part in RTC (and only one out of the three dogs). When, about twenty seconds into the walk, we were faced with the first of several steep ascents, some of us wondered in what language the leader had been communicating in his forecast of difficulty. But then we remembered that spoon and ceased to bother our heads any further. Blessed once more with wonderful weather, it really didn't matter anyway, did it? Here, in his own inimitable style is Ian's account of the day's proceedings.

After a short drive we set out from Rosa's bar heading NE up behind the ghastly new (still unoccupied) villas to the fire lookout tower. We then decended towards Victor B's old Quinta where there were no signs of activity apart from some site clearence for more chalets.The track heading north took us close to the new electricity pylons marching east from the new Portimao substation and up to the trig point above the Odelouca, providing us with wonderfully clear 360 deg. views under a clear blue sky.From here we decended south to the recently tarmaced road complete with pristine steel crash barrier and headed south to Rosa's, arriving on schedule with no alarms/adventures; what went wrong?

Well, Blog fans, I really must apologise. You have come to expect something rather more extensive than that with which to wash down your fish and chips. And the Chief Blogger did give me a strict quota to fulfil, so, summoning up all my limited power of inventiveness, here goes:

A roll-call of the absent revealed some still nursing their wounds from last week, some on foreign service and some victims of the plague, so the survivors plus those not involved in RTC exertions had to suffice. Early indications, quite apart from the steepness of the first climb, suggested that we were in for more mato-bashing:

'Gin a Body Meet a Body....'

'...Comin' Thro the Cistus'

As the climb went on, some pairs of legs began to remember the Coves of the Coast, and the thought that only three hours of self-harm lay ahead became distinctly attractive.

'Toiling on the Heavenward Way'

Relief came as a fire-tower was attained, although someone was heard to suggest that it might be a life-guard lookout. I leave you, dear reader, to decide the merits of the case.

'A Long Way to Dive, Said Pooh'

The day was enlivened by an encounter with a gang of workers preparing to hang cable between a section of the new pylons adorning our erstwhile beautiful landscape. One or two had clearly overdone the early morning maciera, as we were treated to a greeting fit for the Queen Mum. We did wonder about the method of traction being employed, but the process itself looked fascinating.

Any of You Got a Bit of Wire?

Eventually, a trig-point was reached, and the only group photo of the day was the result. I have to point out that the bloke on the right was NOT waving a white flag, but was in the process of his tenth change of attire on a day where the temperature varied wildly from one minute to the next.

Where do they Store All the Nose-Cones?

On the descent, it became apparent why the leader had chosen this particular route. He was intent upon keeping an eye on his property and making sure that his wife was gainfully employed in his absence. The rumour that Paul had him pose for this photo is totally false.

She Hasn't Put the Washing Out!

As Second Deputy Assistant Chief Blogger, I feel I must pass comment upon the length of tarmac we were compelled to tread on the return leg. There, I've said it, and I feel so much better. The Bar, however, turned out to be very pleasant, and it was a relaxed and happy group that sat for some time in the sun. Over to you, Mr First Deputy Assistant CB, for next time!

Someone Has to Do It


Distance: 11.5km; Moving Time: 2h 45m;Total Time: 3h 07m; Moving Avg: 4.2km/h; Overall Avg: 3.7km/h; Total Ascent: 476m; Maximum Elevation: 224m

Finally, hearing the name of the Bar, I was reminded of a C/W song which was around in, I suppose, the sixties. Sing along, now:

'Out in the West Texas town of El Paso,

I fell in love with a Mexican girl;

Night time would find me in Rosa's cantina

Music would play,and Selina would whirl'.....

Needless to say, he came to a sticky end.

Updulator has kindly consented to these pictures being added to his eminently successful blog; after all, Shorty and his handler did appreciate that it was indeed a "Short" Stroll.

WE normally hook these up at the back, Mick.

Shorty makes a friend.................

.........and another.

Thanks, Updulator,



Blogger Paulo a Pe said...

A splendid debut blog from the Assistant Deputy Chief Blogger (ADCB)
Not only the elaboration, but the new font colours and the novelty of centre justified text. Well done David and cheers from Macau where we have just arrived!

7 December 2007 at 12:45  

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