NO PAIN - NO GAIN was the mantra for this 28+ km walk, but unfortunately the 'pain' from the previous walk had resulted in the 'loss' rather than the gain of several members, notably Brian, Antje, Rod and David. To be fair, some were stepping down from this walk as a precautionary measure, or because they did not fancy falling face-first into the soup on a social function booked for that evening. Iron Mike had sounded a preliminary forewarning that he had a slightly damaged hamstring as a result of high-stepping over brambles, but added that he would turn up and give it a go, and he not only made it in good shape, but he survived beyond the dessert at the social function!

And so 14 of the hardiest turned up at Barão São João Cultural Centre Car Park for the walk which was billed as 'Speed/Endurance training' Antje delivered Chris and took the opening group photo, and joined us with Hobo for the first section to the Parque de Merendas, before going in search of coffee and other delights. Stan and Elaine, fresh from the High Andes, and looking very fit chose this walk to make their season debut, and Ian W. managed to persuade Alex to join, probably against her better judgment.
Leader: Paul
Present: Myriam, Mike, Chris, Mick, Sylvia, Ian S., Ian W., Alex, Andrew, Lindsey, John, Stan and Elaine
Dogs: Oscar, Nandi, Tiggy , Maddy, Shorty and Hobo (for the photo call)
Stats: Total Distance: 28.4 km; Moving Time: 5 hrs 45 min; Total Time; 6 hrs 30 min;Moving Average: 4.9 km/hr; Overall Average: 4.4 km/hr; Total Ascent: 606 m.; Max Elevation: 176m.
The track. (Click to enlarge - may take a minute or two)
We followed the blue line above. The red section was an extra loop I could have thrown in to achieve the 30 km. but I omitted it rather than having a mutiny about stopping late for lunch. I wanted to reach the '22.5 House' by lunchtime, and a certain amount of under achieving on the early part of the walk meant that we would not reach there until shortly after 1pm even omitting the loop.
The only Trig Point of the day (Photo Obligatory) shortly after emerging from the serpentine path through the Forest
In truth, the walk was almost incident free, as I had purposely chosen good paths for rapid progress, and although the overall climb was significant, it was rarely steep or precipitous. This was the one 'river crossing' and it was good to see that it was still there and provided water for the dogs. No one fell in, although I had the camera poised, particularly when John was traversing the stepping stones.
Tiggy and Oscar also found a way through the gate into this pool.
Calls for lunch started at about 15 km into the walk, just before the only steep climb of the day up to the Radio mast. I deemed it wiser to stop after the climb, and pressed on until we reached the 22.5 House, whose logo is in need of renovation, and we sat on the banks of another small reservoir for a well-earned break at about 17.5 km.
The dogs were very attentive!
Munching away!
Stan had obviously become accustomed to the services of Sherpas or such on his travels, and he had engaged Elaine in lieu to carry the family pack, while he strode round unburdened and regaled the walkers with tales of altitude and exotic places. Mike was glad of the new company, as he managed to engage in a fierce political argument about Afghanistan or Iran - while other walkers either accelerated or slowed to preserve their neutrality or apathy.

After lunch I led the group out on an extraneous loop through some abundant medronha plants and we found ourselves at a dead end overlooking a valley and some new Wind Fans over towards Espinhacão de Cão. Ian S. immediately claimed he could see a good path down the precipice ahead, but was overruled by the shorts wearers and those still healing from last week. Soon after this we came across a huge area of land clearing and path widening, and realised that there were more wind powered generators planned in this area.

Mick met a couple of 'Porco Preto' who asked him the time!Before long, and after a short cone-gathering session for those too impoverished to buy fire starters, we had the outskirts of BSJ in sight. Of course the pace accelerated a tad, but I had great faith in Myriam as tail-end Charlie, who had been comprehensively briefed on the mysterious workings of the Walky-Talky with which she had been entrusted! Nonetheless, as I chased vainly after Ian S. and Mick, through the calçada of BSJ village, the latter received a phone call from Sylvia alleging that she and Alex were lost. He promptly handed the phone to me with the words "It's for you" and sprinted off after Ian who had gained a few metres advantage. I asked Sylvia where Myriam was, but they couldn't see her, as they had unwisely stopped unnoticed to remove some irritant from Alex's boots. Being a caring leader I advised her to head for the sun, and turn right when they met a 'T' junction, but luckily they met Myriam before they followed this advice, as they had already reached the main road, and would have been in Barão São Miguel before they reached the 'T' Junction.

And so with the sun sinking slowly in the west, we reached the palm tree bar, and because it was my walk, it had been selected because it also stocked Sagres Bohemia - and we all were very happy!
To finish, a quote with a South American flavour, to welcome Stan and Elaine (who don't read this blog) back from their travels:
My God is the God of Walkers. If you walk hard enough, you probably don't need any other god.
~Bruce Chatwin, In Patagonia, 1977
For those that don't know Bruce Chatwin, he has been something of a model or influence for my blog style! It has been written of him:
" Chatwin is admired for his spare, lapidary style and his innate story-telling abilities. However, he has also been strongly criticised for his fictionalised anecdotes of real people, places, and events. Frequently, the people he wrote about recognised themselves and did not always appreciate his distortions of their culture and behaviour. Chatwin, however, was philosophical about what he saw as an unavoidable dilemma, arguing that his portrayals were not intended to be faithful representations; as Nicholas Shakespeare, his biographer, argues: 'He tells not a half truth, but a truth and a half."
as a very senior citizen by doggy standards, i am proud to have made it one more time into the blog. Hobo
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