Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2007/08

Another year on! A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks, GPS's, Tilley Hats and Rohan Technical Walking Apparel and a motley selection of dogs for company - We are known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday 18 October 2007

AWW 17.10.2007 Ian's Carrapateira Reconstituted.

The original version of this walk was led on 29.04.2006 by Ian just prior to his and Pam's move to France. The occasion is recorded in the Blog (click here)
Ian has since succumbed to ill health, and the most recent communication with Pam reports that he is in hospital and heavily sedated with a very poor prognosis. Our thoughts were with them as Chris and Antje reconstructed this route.
It was also one of the first occasions that I used the Bamboo Diagrams to record the route, as with their imminent exit from the Algarve, we did not want to lose their walks. I would like to say that the bamboo diagrams led us round the complete route without a hitch, but in certain sections, progress in the form of firebreaks, and newly widened paths to allow hunters to access the interior without leaving their 4x4's, has rendered the original paths indistinguishable. The upside was that the walk was much easier on the new paths as they circumvented the tricky path through the reed jungle and the steep overgrown climb to the TP. It was also almost 2 km shorter!!

The first TP above Carrapateira - some shrinking violets hiding at the rear!

Leaders: Chris and Antje

Present: Terry M. David C. John; Hazel; David L. Mick; Thyl; Paul; Myriam; Rod; Hilke; John H.; John O.; Ian S.; + 2

Dogs; Tiggy; Shorty; Pooky; Maddy.

The track - click to enlarge

Stats: Total Distance -17.4 km: Moving time - 3 hrs 55 min.: Total Time - 4 hrs 50 minutes
Moving Average- 4.4 km/hr.: Overall Average - 3.6 km/hr: Tot Ascent - 430m.: Max Elev. - 136 m.

Here is the Leader's report, with photos from 4 snappers skilfully inserted!

Attracted by the prospect of a bracing cliff walk along the West Coast, and also a favourable weather forecast for a change, 18 hardy souls assembled at the appointed hour at Cafe Bravo in Carrapateira. What promised to be a comfortable stroll in the sunshine soon changed into a more rigorous prospect by the joint leaders decision to incorporate the bamboo diagrams for an extended route that had been prepared following Pam and Ian's walk, that they had led on an earlier occasion. A timely reminder of them both, and an opportunity to remember those happier times before we received the news of Ian's illness.

A macabre find soon after the TP was this recently deceased mongoose, which did not appear to have external injuries! Perhaps an encounter with a more experienced local snake!

A stiff climb up to the proverbial trig point was followed by a rapid descent to the Carrapateira valley, where after crossing two dry fords the first parting of the ways took place. Ian Scott, pleading the need to divert rapidly to a nearby surfer's beach with his Antipodean guests opted for the soft option, perhaps more in keeping with the inadequate footwear being displayed, which warranted their speedy return to the bars of Carrapeteira. In his haste Ian quite forgot that he was also accompanied by his loyal hound Maddie, who by this time had decided that she preferred the company of the other WW's and their dogs. After a slight delay this omission was noticed and Maddie was persuaded to heed her master's plaintive calls.

Ian (looking rather dressier than usual) and the two girls ready to turn back to the flesh pots of Carrapateira.
Note the 'cistus' waymark on the post. This is part of the alternative end to V.A.

The rest of the party then proceeded to tackle the arduous slope that commenced soon after the recently refurbished village of Vilarinha. To everyone's surprise a new wide path had appeared, making the ascent to the trig point a piece of cake. Further new tracks had replaced the previous overgrown ones, and rapid progress was achieved through the valley and on the climb up to the legendary electricity pole number 8. These efforts were subsequently witnessed by a passing motorist, none other that the aforementioned Ian S. and party still trying to find their way to a beach.

The second TP at Monte Queimada was a much easier ascent than before

Given the rate of progress, an executive decision was taken by the leaders to delay the lunch stop until we reached the beach at Amado. Predictably, a mutiny occurred at the first sight of a shaded spot well before the intended target. In the interests of harmony it was agreed to make this earlier halt, as certain members of the party were already unpacking their lunch boxes.

A shady lunch spot and some nice pines to scratch one's back!

Two G.O.M at lunch! (enlarge by clicking)

After lunch a pleasant downhill through the pines.

A rapid descent to the beach then followed, where the group split for the second time, some preferring to take the higher route to a vantage point, the others heading towards the nearby beer bars on the beach.

Some followed the lower path.....

.....and some the higher one!

We took the low road! The hardy group can be seen on the skyline.
Even the Updulator was seduced by the easy route to the beach!

Discipline was maintained by the efforts of the leaders, but only until the ascent up to the cliff path commenced, when a serious confrontation with disorderly walkers took place. An apparent need for some to be in the shady comfort of a bar in time for a football game between England and Russia (we lost ! ), complaints of heat stroke. GPS divergence, dire exhaustion and serious de-hydration caused a substantial breakaway group to head directly towards the comfort of Carrapateira.

The slope up from Amado before the mutiny!

However five hardy souls heeded the leaders call and proceeded to complete the planned cliff walk section, enjoying the superb sea views, and arriving some half hour later at the Cafe Brava, to be warmly greeted by the remnants of the WW's still recovering from the effects of what was in reality one of our easier walks.

The Carry On Five

Comment: I think only Antje and Terry did the full route, the high route to the beach and the end loop. My excuse for missing the end loop was to follow the Bamboo Diagram as in April 2006 to the end!

We had a superb day for the walk unlike the previous occasions that Chris and Antje led this walk, the most recent of which was curtailed and only achieved 11 km. Also the newly formed paths made it rather easier, and more user friendly, though no doubt Mike would have bemoaned the fact that there were not enough thorny bits to draw blood.Café Bravo produced some chilled glasses for the caneca drinkers which were most welcome, though there was some muttering in the ranks when Myriam in her acting capacity extracted the full amount from those that had already enjoyed their beers, and were caught with insufficient change.

That hits the spot!

A lot of 'business' calls on our return though John H2 shows remarkable dexterity in handling the phone and the beer bottle simultaneously - or is it a Beer Phone!

Remember:- Who walks the fastest but walks astray, is only furthest from his way.
(Matthew Prior)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beggars can't be choosers, one supposes, and at least a one hour Wednesday Walk is better than none like last week. But it does make one wan't to curl up one's claws a bit when one gets called off from what was shaping up to be a great sniffing expedition in new territory along with Tiggy, Pooky and Shorty after just one hour, simply because one's Handler decides that girls, surfers, and the bars of Carrapeteira should take precedence. Come on now, this is the Algarve, not Bondi Beach! Careful; loyalty has its price.

20 October 2007 at 14:41  

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