Algarve Wednesday Walkers 2007/08

Another year on! A new Blog for a new walking season. This Blog provides a resumé of the activities of those resourceful, daring and eco-friendly athletes who venture into the wilds of the Algarve, without maps, compasses, rulers nor protractors, and with just walking sticks, GPS's, Tilley Hats and Rohan Technical Walking Apparel and a motley selection of dogs for company - We are known as The Algarve Wednesday Walkers

My Photo
Location: Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

Thursday 20 September 2007

AWW 19.09.2007 Janet's Excuse-me!

Pre-walk discussion - Count the sticks!!

Despite the title above, Mike P was the designated leader, having been persuaded by Janet to repeat this walk, which was last spotted in the guise of 'Cansado Carousel' on 6th June this year! Having been promised an 'easy' walk of around 13km and 3 1/2 hours, a splendid turnout arose, with Vitor and Dina, Lindsey and Andrew, John and Hazel, Ian S. and Thyl making their season debut along with Mick who doesn't appear to be on my circulation list - f.y.a. pl. Janet!)

This greatly added to the technical discussion, and from the opening photo you can see more sticks than walkers - and there are perhaps another two belonging to Chris and David hidden from view. The Tilley Hat count was a satisfying 5, each of which was coincidentally, a different model from the range. During my marketing interviews, I was rather hurt that both Andrew and Thyl declared that they didn't want to wear Tilleys - a great pity, because I think if you look carefully, some of this week's pix show that their current headgear leaves a lot to be desired!

Myriam points out Ian 'Three Sticks' using Maddy as an excuse to put his arm round Chris!

Here follows Mike's 'purple prose' walk report:-

Name. ‘Janet’s Excuse Me’ because the walk was at her request – even though, due to family commitments she was unable to attend.

Statistics: Total distance 13.8 km; Moving time: 3 hours 10 mins; Total time: 3 hours 31 mins; Moving ave: 4.3 kph; Overall ave: 4.0 kph.
Total Ascent: 331 m; Max Elevation: 151 m.

Somehow we managed to turn what should have been a 13 km walk into one of nearly 15 km. But, we did it in precisely the time (to the minute) as advertised.

Leader: Mike

Walkers (17): John, Hazel, Andrew,Lindsey, Chris, David, Dina, Vitor, John O’Neil, Brian, Ian S, Paul, Myriam, Thyl, Ian W. and Mick.

Dogs (4): Oscar, Tiggy, Maddie and Shorty

Lame (apologies for non-attendance): Antje and Nandi

In the words of Mr. Ramsbottom, whilst at Blackpool, as spoken through the mouth of Stanley Holloway in 1932: “…. There was no wrecks and nobody drownded, Fact, nothing to laugh at at all”.

Well there was something! See what I mean about the hat!
And a rare sighting of Thyl with a modern piece of equipment

A number of AWW’s had returned from summer jaunts and Thyl may have cast his golf clubs into the lake inthe manner of King Arthur and his sword and donned his walking boots again. So there was the usual good turnout for this time of year.
Both the Chief Blogger and his Deputy joined the field. This raises the question as to the correct collective noun to use when there is more than one blogger present. A ‘Blood and Thunder of Bloggers’ is one possibility. But, perhaps a ‘Blather of Bloggers’ may fit the bill better.

A 'Wearyness' of Walkers and the infamous Pylons that so incense our Leader

A timely start from Café Cansado in Arão meant that we were starting to enjoy fine early morning views from the hills above the hamlet only 15 minutes later. Though the Serrra de Monchique remained somewhat hazy throughout the walk. There was no semtex available, so we left standing the power pylon beneath which we passed and which so desecrates the lovely views.
The first 2 hours of walking is easy going until the hamlet of Central is reached where the pump house is located that directs channeled irrigation waters from the Barragem de Bravura. This is followed by a short climb into the hills above Monte Ruivo that tested a little those who have been over indulging during the summer months. From here, those who troubled to look back and around will have enjoyed a feast of magnificent panoramic views, including northwards towards the Barragem.

Waiting for the stragglers - the Leader's body language says it all!

After the obligatory photograph at the Monte Ruivo trig point (specially for the benefit of Maurice) we negotiated without incident one tricky descent before quite gently making our way back to our start point and an ale or two.


I might have a small issue, about 'gently' making our way back, because I was left reeling in a cloud of dust as two rather large gentlemen, elbowed their way past me in fierce competition for the race to the bar, as the bell sounded for the last lap!!

Back at the bar
, there was no hesitation in replacing lost body fluids, and some chose to sit outside:-

While others preferred the shade of the lavishly decorated bar.

And One took part in both!!



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