AWW 26092007 - Suffering Sarnardas
Sarnardas Start Pic.
After all this time, and the fourth year of blogging, it never ceases to amaze me how, when a simple request for a photo call is made, how many of the group start a conversation, turn their back on the camera, adjust equipment, shrink behind a neighbour, and generally avoid being snapped in their full glory! We usually take a selection of snaps, and choose the one with the most faces smiling at the camera! So this was as good as it got!!
This was to be the first full walk of the season ie including a lunch stop and the necessity (for some) to port sandwiches and other tasty snacks at least as far as the midday break! Commentary on how long qualifies for a lunch 'break' and whether 1140 am constitutes a midday break may follow!
But first we have a matter of discipline and canine rights to consider.
I have received an alarming letter which was signed Oscar Tiggy and Nandi, and which was posted early on Wednesday when their plight was realised: this is the text in full:-
from all kinds of unseen threats sniffed out in the undergrowth, and ensuring that you paragons of civilisation with the residual navigational instincts of a pony-trap, do make it safely back to your motor carriages and your beers; and this is all the thanks that we get!
It is this sort of callous behaviour in denying our dogs their Right to Walk,
that gets the Wednesday Walkers a bad name! You know who you are, and it is no use pleading that you have a bad back (probably from sleeping on the cheque book to prevent it being brandished in Seville), or that you have an urgent recce to do on the West Coast. A dog is for Wednesday too! Enough said.
David had promised "One steep climb early on" and true to his word, we attacked the North Face of Soidos within minutes of setting off. Thankfully Mike was resting this week, as I am not sure if would have had enough DNA left after this ascent, as we had seen the results of his attempt at the direct route to the cache 'The Lagos 6 + 1. #3 Bensafrim" (a similar sort of climb), written in the flesh of his arms and legs, when he turned up last week.
Thankfully it was early and cool and the North Face was in the shade, so we all made it with varying degrees of pleasure!
Here is the 'Updulator's' walk report as he saw it!
Total distance:- 17.2 km.; Moving time:- 4.23 hrs.; Total Time:- 5.17 hrs.;
the plateau. The fact that every time this climb is attempted, we come out at a different point, is a subject of some amazement.
Another photo at the trig was followed by the long descent down the firebreak towards the small lake which, in former years, has provided a welcome resting place and a swim for the dogs. The old restaurant now being converted to a private house, the owner advanced upon the group aboard a rather large tractor and informed us that we were on private land. A short conversation seemed to indicate that the whole of the Rocha dos Soidos was now private, though this was received with some scepticism. We were allowed to proceed to the new green gate on the track leading to the road, but it seems that if we are to walk this way again, we may have to seek permission in advance.
Paul 'charming' the tractor driver to allow us though his property!
Art shot by JH of the group confronting the new gate.
(Actuallywe had already walked round it, posing for this inflammatory photo)
have been unwrapped, and those who disappear into the bushes as if preparing for a siesta. Perhaps we should have a Rule about the length of lunch-breaks? (I’m wearing my metaphorical tin-hat, so hurl away!)
In mitigation, it has to be said that a photo was taken of the two Tilleys on parade, complete with owners – the SAME two who had been carping about lunch – what is it about Tilley Wearers?
Comment: Despite having been left at the lunch spot by the abrupt and unannounced departure of the leader and non-Tilleyites, after 7 minutes and 23 seconds of lunch break, it was the two proud Tilley
wearers that reached the summit of Serrão ahead of the pack, and having waited for the leader to regain his breath, inveigled him into taking this publicity shot, conclusively proving that the wearing of one of Mr Tilley's Finest confers an extraordinary speed and climbing ability on the incumbent.
For some reason the Deputy Chief Blogger who is an ardent Tilley fan, had mistakenly brought another hat of dismaying ordinariness for this expedition, and is shown to his detriment in this pose trying to imitate the posture of a tree!